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Business HeadStart

The site to learn and share business tips and strategies for FREE! NO PAYMENT!

Free Business Headstart Sharing Programme

November 12, 2009 1 comment

Hello Everyone,

Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Didy and I am 22 years old guy from SouthEastAsia country who just think that working life sucks! Hence I started early on how to do business and learn business through books, internets, and doing it the same time. I tried and tested different stuff so that I can try make as much money as I can. But sadly, its not as easy as it seems. My event business failed, My food business failed. And to be honest, I am at least a $30k in debt at this very moment, Sound pathetic. $30k for a 22 years old to be in debt, I must be crazy! Well, to me this $30k is like my “FEES” in University of HardKnocks. People around me keep saying that its better to give up doing business and work to pay up the debts.

What the hell? Imagine I got a $2k job(Which is hard to find here given to my lousy qualification i got), How long do i need to take to settle my loans? Maybe 1 year,2years or even 10 years! GOSH can my creditors wait that long? You guys do the maths whether having a job at this point of time can solve my debts. I GUESS NOT!

With 30k in debt, No way i can afford to go for courses to learn how to do business. I been to free talks and seminars held and hear those top millionaire coaches marketing their best business/coaching/marketing/whatever it is programmes. I tried to counter offer them by letting me learn first and pay them once I succeed in doing a successful business but these people reject me as always!  What loss would they gain since they are already a millionaire and letting a young 22 year old guy who is willing to learn so he can implement what the program teach and make some money first and pay later? Does it make them poor by letting me learn first and pay later? Hmmm, I guess it will make them poor since I always got rejected for my offer to them.

These so called entrepreneur keep saying they are giving opportunity to those who want to do well in business. What a crap! Thats kinda sucks. Try asking top marketing guru, sales guru, whatever socalled guru to teach first and pay later? what will they do? they will ask their assistant to get rid of you. Thats for sure!

In internet these people really wanna change the life of people and giving people a chance to learn and explain all in a squeeze page but eventually the purpose of it is to earn money out of it. Well, why cant these top coaching gurus let us learn and try it and eventually pay them up when we get some money? Isn’t that better than rejecting those without any money? See! They miss out the opportunity of an income by rejecting people like me. I am sure there are 100000 out there who want to change their life and step in into the business world but do not have the capital/money to start a business.

Much said about me, lets keep it short and lets get on moving.

New to business?

Want to learn more about business?

Want to start a business with no/low money down?

Look no further, This website is purposely done to share with you on the basic and fundamental aspects when you want to do business. I may not be a guru and people may not agree to the way that I do things. Different people have different ways of doing things. I am just trying to share first and if you can do something or improvise on my ideas and make money out of my sharing of idea, I am more than happy for you.

I am doing this for FREE! YES FREE! If what i share can inspire your life and improve your income no matter how small it is, and you feel like rewarding me, I would greatly accept it and I know that I have changed someone lifes with the stuff that I am going to teach. Fair Enough? Even a $1,$2 or whatever amount would do just fine for me. 🙂 It better than getting NOTHING! I guess so.

I just want to share what I know and what I learn. I maybe sharing the wrong thing or probably you gonna say that I suck big time doing a business or it wont gonna work, well then dont do it then! 🙂 Just feel free to ask and comment on this site. I would love it as it means that people are recognising my website.

Last but not least, I would really wish if you can comment or give suggestions to me. Its good to listen and learn something.  Lastly, I am really sorry if my ENGLISH is that bad. I do hope you get what i mean afterall 🙂



Categories: Business, Business Headstart Tags:

My MSN/Twitter!

What a mistake that i did? I didnt set up an MSN account! How can people chat with me that way. But dont worry, I created one just for those who wants to chat about business with me! Its Free and I would love to hear tips and strategies as well. I may not be the best or the most successful person in the world, But I will be no matter what it takes. I am learning as much as I can so that as I grow older and older, More ideas will comes from my head! I produce brilliant ideas but got not much opportunities to do it! Well, I am poor 22 year old guy! Who wants to deal with someone poor? Who wants to deal with someone who got no money to do a business! I hope to change that and if i got the opportunity to do that, TRUST ME, I wont let it go so easy!

Anyway, my MSN and Twitter is :     &       BIZHEADSTART(TWITTER)

Hope to chat with you soon! Anyone, be it rich, poor, smart, stupid(NO ONE IS STUPID), young and old, ladies or gentleman whoever! Cya in MSN. 🙂